Well, I did not make it to the inaugeration, although I have a good excuse! I had just gotten back from Ireland the night before! Plus, it was really cold. And crowds scare me! I would have gotten accidentally pushed onto the metro track like that one lady (who luckily lived I think and had to hide under the platform as the train pulled in!). But Ireland was fun! We were only there for a little bit, so we stayed in Dublin again. This time I saw Christ Church and Dublinia. Dublinia was about the history of Ireland, mainly in the medieval times and the Viking times. It was interesting. Except it had full size humans standing about that were scary because I kept expecting them to move! There was one room I couldn't even go in because there was a model / statue of a beggar guy right by the doorway and I was afraid he would move and not let me back out! creepy. Then again, maybe it was the lack of sleep. But besides that it was a nice fun little musuem. We were in the Temple Bar area again, so lots of pubs and restaurants to go to. We even went back to the Irish singing and dancing show that we went to last year! The band was not as good as the one last year, but they were still good. They sang traditional Irish songs. And then the dancers were the neat part. It really is a crazy sort of dancing. Lots of leaping about! We wanted to find a cool Irish sweater, but did not! But that will just hopefully motivate me to make the sweater with all of the Aran wool that my brother gave me!
But it was a nice trip. I'm afraid I won't get to take any more little mini-breaks until after I move! But then again, I'll be a lot closer then to a lot more cool places to travel! Like Prague... And Copenhagen... And Budapest... And Zagreb... really quite a lot of places left to see!
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