I am the official owner of a piano! Well, not quite a real piano, but a pretty darn good electronic one! Now I officially have too many hobbies to take to Ukraine (piano, knitting, wii, learning russian) but hopefully that means that I will never be bored! There's also the whole work thing to do... But the piano is pretty cool. It took a little effort to get it together on the stand (bah! instructions that say two people required!) and in the house for that matter, but luckily, it's actually a lot lighter than one of the other ones I had been looking at. And it was a little cheaper, yet has cool features like "beats" and "electric piano" sounds. 80's here I come! Or at least that Night on Bald Mountain song... (with the pipe organ-not the 80s beats!) But for right now, I'm having fun flipping through the book of songs that came with it because it's like a walk down memory lane! I'm going through and highlighting the songs that I played before. So far, I can only currently play the one that I think I played in my 6th grade recital, but hey! That's not too bad for picking it up after about 10 years! It's funny though, my sight reading is not what it used to be! I used to be able to get through entire choir practices accompanying them on songs I had never seen before... (Don't tell the choir teacher!) My goal is to work back up to my favorite recital piece of all time "Pathetique" by Beethoven. And no, it's not pathetic. It's really nice. Hmm, maybe along with this rediscovery of piano, I should rediscover my classical music cds and get them onto my ipod! Hooray! Another hobby! :)
*Yes, I just re-watched the Harry Potter movies (and am reading them again in Italian to study for my Italian test) and it's a reference to Gilderoy Lockhart's book
(Why am I studying Italian to go to Ukraine? I just have been refreshing my Italian all year and wanted to see what "score" I could get before I switch over to learning Russian and Ukrainian.)
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