So of course in getting ready to move I do lots of things for the "last" time (although I'm sure I'll be back and doing the same things someday!). Yesterday they took my car for shipping. So that means I went to the gas station by my house for the "last" time, drove to work for the "last" time, and parked in my overpriced parking garage for the "last" time. I debated if I should say bye to the parking attendants who are all very nice to me. But I think that would have been weird. Unfortunately this weekend I'll have to go to the DMV (hopefully for the "last" time!) to turn my plates in. It's one of those procedures that should take 5 minutes but will somehow manage to take an hour. :( oh well. So now the Focus has started its voyage overseas! Here's a picture of the "last" time I parked in my spot. And sadly I'm going to turn in my "AE LMW" Penn State plates!
1 comment:
When we left for England, we said goodbye to the guy who worked in our coffee shop. He SOOO didn't care, and I was so disappointed and a little angry. Here I thought we meant something to him - nope. So anyway, good move on not saying bye to the parking garage people.
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